Looking for a wholesale ornamental plant nursery? VIVEROS SOLER guarantees you the best quality at very interesting market prices

At VIVEROS SOLER we have been serving the needs of our customers for two generations. We have a great professional experience that we put at your service so that the result of your project is completely satisfactory. We are the wholesale ornamental plant nurseries you need to make your landscape design a reality. In addition, we are also suppliers of wholesale ornamental plants to nurseries, gardens centers, department stores and shops with a gardening section. We are specialized in the sale and distribution of plants in large quantities necessary for the beautification of:
- Landscaped areas in public spaces: squares, parks, sidewalks, avenues, ...
- Community developments in residential housing
- Private gardens of apartment blocks, hotels
- Gardens corresponding to official buildings, hospitals, residences, industrial estates, ...
We have different sizes, formats and varieties of ornamental plants so that the end result of your garden is surprising. You will be impressed by the quality of our plants and their excellent market price. Our team of professionals will be happy to assist you and guide you on the ornamental plants that are most suitable for the space where you want to place them based on:
- Hours of daily sun that they need
- Abundant or scarce irrigation
- Good adaptation to gusts of wind
- Soil type and drainage
- Etc.
Surprise yourself when you check the great variety of plants that we offer you in our wholesale ornamental plant nurseries
In our wholesale ornamental plant nurseries we offer you a great variety. We have subdivided them into different categories to make your search on our website easier. Within the section of ornamental shrubs you will find strawberry trees, laurel, fire buckthorn, African lilies, hibiscus with flowers of different colors, aromatic jasmine, lantana, oleander, aromatic plants, prunus, ...
Surely in our exotic plants section you will find many ideas for your project: the strong scheffleras, the singular bird of paradise, the Canary drachcenae,…
We also have a section of climbing plants with flowers, such as the cheerful bougainvillea, or without flowers such as common ivy. They are very suitable for fences, fences, hedges, etc.
We will love to help you achieve your goal, that's why we also have yuccas and dracenes, cacti and succulents, bonsai, conifers, Mediterranean plants, etc., and a wide variety of trees, citrus, fruit trees, etc.
We are the wholesale ornamental plant nurseries which are also specialized in centenary palm trees and olive trees
Remember that at VIVEROS SOLER we are specialists in centenary palm trees and olive trees as well as being nurseries of ornamental plants wholesale. We are pioneers in supplying ancient olive trees, carob trees, citrus, ... to other European countries.
Therefore, in our offices we have multilingual staff who will advise you conveniently in your language. We are the wholesale ornamental plant nurseries that transport our palletized merchandise to your destination so that it arrives in optimal conditions.
Fill in the contact form that appears on the web with the query you want to make and we will contact you. If you prefer, you can also send us an email to info@viverossoler.com or call us at 647 118 868.