Mediterranean plants for wholesale in Elche
Viveros y Ornamentales Soler Your trusted professional in the sale of trees and ornamental plants More information

Mediterranean plants for sale wholesale

In addition to centenary olive trees and palm trees, at VIVEROS SOLER we also specialise in the wholesale of Mediterranean plants.

The Mediterranean climate is characterised by long, very hot summers with no rainfall, which can cause water stress in plants. Winters are mild and sunny and rainfall is only abundant in autumn and spring. The best way to keep your garden or orchard in optimal conditions is to plant Mediterranean trees and plants that adapt easily to these climatic conditions.

In the Mediterranean basin we have a wide variety of native plants that will beautify your garden as they are adapted to their habitat, which will allow them to develop faster and look better. Trees from the Mediterranean basin are currently becoming fashionable to decorate public spaces due to their great power of adaptation and survival.

In VIVEROS SOLER we offer you fig trees, carob trees, pomegranate trees, almond trees, vines, jinjoleros, ... for ornamental use in gardens and motorway roundabouts. We have different sizes and formats for you to choose from depending on the final location of the plants.

In VIVEROS SOLER we are specialised in the sale of Mediterranean plants wholesale

You will be surprised by the large number of trees and shrubs that we have at your disposal, as we are specialists in the sale of wholesale Mediterranean plants.

The fig tree, or ficus carica, is one of the numerous species of ficus that grows spontaneously all along the Mediterranean coast, slowing down its growth in areas with drought. In VIVEROS SOLER we have at your disposal centenary fig trees for ornamental use, as well as of different sizes.  

The carob tree is evergreen and very resistant to drought. It provides very dense and refreshing shade in the hot summer months. Its fruit, the carob, is edible.

The vine is a climbing plant with a beautiful twisted trunk whose fruit is the grape. We offer you different formats:

  • Wine vines
  • Young
  • Table grapes
  • Tall vines
  • Etc.

The pomegranate tree is a deciduous shrub with a great capacity to adapt to different climates. The centenary specimens of pomegranate trees are in great demand as garden ornamentation.

The jinjolero is native to China. It is deciduous and its fruits are edible. It is an ornamental tree widely used in landscape projects.

The almond tree is a fruit tree with a large number of varieties. Do not hesitate to ask us about our different formats, including large specimens.

 Can we inform you about our system of selling Mediterranean plants wholesale?

In VIVEROS SOLER we have a long experience in the sale of Mediterranean plants wholesale. Our extensive sales network extends throughout Europe, mainly in France, the United Kingdom and Italy, as well as along the Spanish Mediterranean coast and the main inland towns. Our plants always travel abroad with their phytosanitary passports required by the European Union.

If you would like more information, please contact us:

Telephone: 677 957 012
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