Mediterranean plants for wholesale in Elche
Viveros y Ornamentales Soler Your trusted professional in the sale of trees and ornamental plants More information

Regional olive tree wholesale

We are VIVEROS SOLER, specialists in the wholesale of regional olive trees and other species of trees and ornamental plants (palms, bonsais, yuccas, cactus, etc.) with the best quality - price on the market.

The olive tree is a popular tree and traditionally known for its longevity. Throughout history it has been considered a sacred plant and a symbol of life. At the same time, olive growing is one of the main economic engines of the agricultural sector in Spain, one of the most profitable and requiring little economic and time investment. Currently, olive trees are one of the most valued and sought-after trees both among agricultural producers and among companies and institutions from different sectors, as they are an opportunity for the future of the rural environment and for their environmental, social and landscape value.  The most outstanding advantages of olive trees are:

  • Great capacity for resistance: they adapt to any type of climate, from the coldest to the hottest seasons and with long droughts.
  • Excellent conditions for planting: it is possible to grow olive trees in all types of soil, although it is preferable in well-drained, deep and clayey soils.
  • Highly useful: Olives, oil and even cosmetics can be obtained from the olive tree. Olive leaves also have a large number of properties (vasodilator, diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, laxative...).Easy 
  • maintenance: it does not require specialised and professional help. It only needs space, sun and little water.
  • Sustainability: olive trees serve as a home and refuge for numerous animal species, creating a highly biodiverse ecosystem.

If you are looking for a nursery specialised in the wholesale of regional olive trees, we have a large stock of high quality centenary olive trees, perfect for landscape projects

In addition to being producers, we are experts in recovering centenary and millenary trees from farms. Our catalogue of wholesale regional olive trees is characterised by their exclusively ornamental use. Our regional olive trees are distinguished by:

  • Centenary olive trees (the vast majority).
  • We serve them in containers, metal mesh or rooted.
  • They originate from Alicante, Valencia, Murcia or Albacete.
  • They have a phytosanitary certificate that complies with European standards.
  • Their thick trunk and tall growth habit

Would you like to buy regional olive trees for your new landscaping project but you think that your location could be an impediment? VIVEROS SOLER is a family business with a wide international experience in the wholesale of olive trees. We will travel for you taking the olive trees to any city, town or remote corner of Spain and Europe.

Would you like to receive personalised advice on the sale of regional olive trees wholesale? Contact our bilingual specialists

If you would like to know more about the transport procedure, the wholesale of regional olive trees or would like to receive personalised advice to develop your landscaping project, consult our team of advisors who speak fluent English and French to inform you, in your own language, about any aspect related to the wholesale of regional olive trees:

  • Fill in the form on the site
  • Write an email to

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