Mediterranean plants for wholesale in Elche
Viveros y Ornamentales Soler Your trusted professional in the sale of trees and ornamental plants More information

Wholesale of ball olive trees

At VIVEROS SOLER we sell olive trees of different sizes, formats and varieties to wholesalers. One of our specialities is the wholesale of ball olive trees.

The "ball olive tree" is so called because of the way it has been pruned. As they are evergreen, we can use the production olive tree to prune it giving it a rounded or pyramidal shape to the top and give them an ornamental use in gardens, avenues, urbanisations, etc. Currently, our bola olive trees are in great demand throughout Europe as the trend of designing gardens with native plants such as the olive tree, which is native to the Mediterranean basin, has returned.  Moreover, the olive tree is a plant that is very resistant to all climates:

  • highly resistant to all climates  
  • low maintenance: easy and economical
  • it is very easy to maintain its pruning shape: you only have to cut back the new shoots.
  • It is perfectly drought resistant
  • Only needs sun, space and little water

Thanks to the rounded olive tree we can obtain dazzling outdoor spaces where we can exercise, play with the children, sunbathe, walk ...

In VIVEROS SOLER we offer you the sale of balled olive trees wholesale of different sizes

In VIVEROS SOLER we offer you the sale of wholesale ball olive trees of different sizes, so we serve them both in decorative pots to place them on terraces and patios, and in large plastic containers to transplant them in the ground of gardens, recreational areas, avenues, urbanizations, etc...

We are pioneers in the supply of centenary olive trees to all Europe, which we started to supply more than thirty years ago to France, United Kingdom, Italy ... so we have a long experience in the transport of our plants. For the transport of our biggest specimens of bola olive trees wholesale we have a trailer truck and a boom truck for the placement of our trees in their definitive place. We offer you a complete transport service, totally guaranteed and at a surprising price. The plants will arrive at their destination in perfect condition and without suffering the stress of the journey or sudden changes in temperature. Do not hesitate to ask us about our rates.

Furthermore, our plants have and always travel with the phytosanitary passport required by the European Union.

If you are interested in selling wholesale bola olive trees, contact VIVEROS SOLER

Contact us now and we will inform you extensively about all the questions you need related to the sale of wholesale ball olive trees. If you take a look at our website you will see the wide variety of ornamental olive trees that we offer you: lying, multi-trunk, Lechín, centenary, millenary, leg, young skin, regional, bonsai ... as well as other plants: palms, citrus, cactus and crassulas, exotic plants, Mediterranean plants, conifers, etc.

To contact us write us an email to or fill in the contact form on our website describing the query you wish to make about the sale of wholesale bola olive trees or any other of our plants. We will reply as soon as possible.

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